Healthy Man to appear in Times Square On Tuesday, March 27th at Noon.

Healthy Man to appear in Times Square On Tuesday, March 27th at Noon.

Healthy Man ,The new Super Hero will be in Times Square on Tuesday, March 22nd at Noon to demonstrate some of his super powers.

Healthy Man Handbook Blog Introduction

Healthy Man Handbook Blog Introduction

My name is Rob Kaplan and I’ve been obsessed with health and weight issues since I was very young. I was a “chubby kid” until the age of fifteen. One of my most vivid memories is going in to the clothing store with my father to get a pair of pants and the salesman looked at me and said “you need a Husky size”. Another vivid memory from my childhood is a name some of the other kids used to call me, “Flabby Skin”. Although that was many, many years ago, I still flinch at the hurt that it caused me.

I used to read the muscle magazines and dream about being like them someday. Around the age of fifteen I grew taller and “thinned out”. There is not one day that has gone by that I don’t think about health and weight. The food choices that I see people making everyday shocks and saddens me. Obesity and the health problems it causes is epidemic.

That’s why I wrote The “Healthy Man Handbook” and have created this blog. It’s for all of us out there struggling to keep our bodies healthy, both inside and out. We will cover all issues that relate to health, from psychology to sexuality.

Hopefully using the practical ways I have found to keep healthy, and with the help of “Healthy Man the Superhero” you will be able to better maximize your body's potential

Important factors in the general health of an individual is his or her genetic makeup

No doubt one of the most important factors in the general health of an individual is his or her genetic makeup. Even before we’re born, our bodies are programmed. One of the program components is metabolism. Below are some terms and definitions you should know if you want to take your wellbeing seriously.

  • Metabolism: the set of chemical reactions that happen in living organisms to maintain life.

  • Catabolism: the breaking down of organic matter to harvest energy.

  • Metabolic rate: the speed at which chemical reactions happen in living organisms.

In prehistoric times, people had to eat what they could get their hands on

In prehistoric times, people had to eat what they could get their hands on, and there wasn’t much variety. You didn’t see a caveman standing at the counter of a fast food restaurant shifting from one foot to another, mesmerized by all the choices before him. Today, we have too many choices, and our bodies—our taste buds—so frequently crave the wrong things.

The Terrible eating habits of people

Most of the people I interact with in my daily life—at work, at home, and socially—have terrible eating habits. Far too many of them are eating their way to death.

How I came to know Healthy Man


Like a lot of chubby kids I had difficulty feeling accepted, and problems accepting myself. I was about fifteen years old when my dissatisfaction with who I was led me to conjure up my personal superhero. I called him Healthy Man.

Get Your copy of The Healthy Man Handbook...

The Healthy Man Handbook Coming soon...

details of how you can get your copy of the book will be listed here

Healthy Man's fight with Carbo, Sweetie and Greasy...

Now, if I were a superhero, I might swoop down from the sky, plant my feet in the middle of Times Square, and put my fists on my hips. Then I’d say something like, “There is a plague of obesity and fat-related disease upon our land. It is an epidemic of poor eating habits.” And then I’d do battle with Sweetie Greasy and Carbo.

Saturated Fat makes Healthy Man weak

And like Kryptonite was to Superman saturated fat makes Healthy Man weak. Healthy Man also fought against the evil forces embodied in villains named Sweetie, Greasy, and Carbo.

The Healthy Man Handbook Blog

The Healthy Man Handbook Blog here I will be adding information for A HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE,

Healthy Man is here to help you be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle...

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